Frequently asked questions.
How do I sign up for classes?
We use WODIFY for class registration, so you’ll need to download the free Wodify app for your device. Once you have purchased a membership or package, you will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to set up your Wodify account. Please reach out if you have any questions.
How do I schedule personal training sessions?
Follow the link below for guidance on using the “appointments” section of your Wodify App.
How do I manage my child’s FitHAUS account?
How do I sign up for an Inbody?
FitHAUS Members. Please use your WODIFY app. Once you have purchased an InBody session, you will be able to schedule your InBody under the Appointments tab in your Wodify app. with an available provider.
Non-Members, please email ourhauscrossfit@gmail.com to schedule.
I have worked out and lifted a lot, but never CrossFit…can I skip Foundations?
Member safety is a top priority for us at FitHAUS, even if you have a lot of previous lifting experience, we do highly recommend that you take foundations prior to taking CrossFit classes. CrossFit is a blend of Olympic Lifting and Gymnastics, both of which require a good foundation of functional movement. In our foundations classes you will be familiarized with all of the movements you might see in a class, and educated on the safe and proper form for each movement. If you are transferring from another gym and have previous CrossFit Experience, then you are good to go with FitHAUS CrossFit classes.
Are you a family friendly gym?
Yes, we are a very family friendly gym. Many of our members have children and bring them to the gym. With that being said, we ask that kiddos remain OFF the main gym floor and OFF equipment while classes are running for everyone’s safety. We do not currently offer childcare, but children are welcome to stay in the waiting/entry area during any class.
Is your gym open all day or only during classes?
As expert coaching is something we pride ourselves on, we at FitHAUS only offer coach lead classes at scheduled times throughout the day. We do offer open gym times throughout the week for members to come in and workout in an unstructured setting, however a coach is always present.
I have a WODIFY account with another gym, how do I change or merge my accounts?
Do I have access all classes with my membership
Yes! You have access to all regularly scheduled classes. Some of Series and Special Events will be an additional charge, but at a significantly reduced rate for members!
Do you take FSA/HSA payments?
Your FitHAUS Membership is eligible for FSA/HSA reimbursement. We do not directly take HSA/FSA payments, but work with a company called Trumed who does all the busy work for you and us and makes the process seamless.
COVID-19 Related Information:
We ask that you follow current CDC guidelines for a positive COVID-19 test result, or for a known close contact exposure. You can find current guidelines HERE