
Why Choose the FitHAUS Youth Strong Program?

Our goal is to train athletes to perform safely and effectively in the gym.  We’ve got two CrossFit Certified coaches in every class to ensure proper form takes precedence over anything else. From there we build strength and power! We want our athletes to feel confident walking into a weight room and have the knowledge to perform both strength and bodyweight movements well.

Our classes are designed to improve overall fitness for any athlete. Each class is broken down into a strength portion and a conditioning piece. 

  • STRENGTH:  Athletes will be performing and perfecting the deadlift, bench press, shoulder press and other shoulder to overhead varieties, front squat and back squat. We will also occasionally work on olympic lifting skills such as the power clean and snatch; however these movements are typically unloaded or done at very light weight and used to elicit power and explosiveness.

  • CONDITIONING: Athletes will perform a variety of movements at different intensities which includes training for explosiveness, speed, agility, stamina and endurance. 

We know that building an overall base of fitness helps prevents injury and translates to many specific sports skills. We’ve seen many of our FitHAUS athletes excel in a variety of sports using the constantly varied movement training methodology.

Finally, one of our core values is making sure our youngest athletes enjoy fitness. Establishing a positive relationship with movement and building healthy habits is something we create from the beginning. Working out with friends (current or new ones!), learning new skills, and building confidence is key to our program!

2025 Winter Schedule












BUS 507


2025 Spring/Summer Schedule











Get Started Now

  • Free Trial

    Come check out 3 classes on us . Click below to sign up ahead of time.

    Email: or call 612-444-6113 with any questions.

  • Monthly Unlimited Youth Classes

    Membership will auto renew each month and be billed on the 1st of the month. First month will be prorated and billed day of purchase.

    All memberships include a complimentary group foundations session. See below to register.

  • Youth 10 Session Punchcard

    10 classes to use as you wish! These are good for one year from the date of purchase.

    All punchcards include a complimentary group foundations session. See below to register.

A peek into our Teens classes …

 FitHAUS Youth Classes FAQs

  • While not required, we do offer a Foundations program for our Youth Athletes. This is a great way for your teen to feel more comfortable with the movements, equipment, etc that they will see in our group classes. We currently offer these session in two formats: 1-on-1 sessions with a coach (three 60 minute sessions); and a group foundations class once per month. Our 1-on-1 sessions are scheduled based on your schedule and our coach’s availability. To schedule a 1-on-1 Foundations or to find out when the next group Foundations session is, simply reach out to our MOM (Manager of Memberships) at to get started.

  • Grades 6+ CrossFit / Strength & Conditioning classes: You’ll see strength movements done with body weight, dumbells, kettlebells, barbells, med balls, etc. We combine these with gymnastic movements (pull-ups, box jumps, etc) and conditioning work (running, rowing, biking, etc) to improve overall fitness and set a great base for any/all sports!

    Check out our videos below for a peek into our Teens classes.

  • #1: Our Coaches! We have 2 CrossFit certified coaches in every class to ensure proper form takes precedence over anything. Our goal is to train athletes to perform all the movements safely and effectively. From there we build strength and power! We want our athletes to feel confident walking into a weight room and have the knowledge to perform movements correctly and effectively!

    #2: Our programming! Our classes are designed to improve overall fitness for athletes of all kinds. We focus on building strength and explosiveness, speed and agility, and stamina and endurance. We do this by mixing together different types of movements, done at differing lengths and intensities! Building an overall base of fitness that prevents injury and transfers to any sport specific skills!

    #3: Fun! One of our core values is making sure our youngest athletes enjoy fitness. Establishing a positive relationship with movement and building healthy habits is something we create from the beginning. Working out with your friends (current or new ones!), learning new skills, and building confidence in your abilities is key to our programs!

    #4: Flexibility! Kids sports schedules are crazy … we get it! No need to commit to certain days or even weeks! An unlimited membership or punchcard allow you to come when you can: as much or as little as works for your schedule!

  • Yes. Starting in November 2023, we will require all kids to reserve a spot in each class they wish to attend ahead of time. You can do this up to 48 hours in advance of the class start time. You can do this using the Wodify Client app. If you need any help with this, please reach out: and we can walk you through it!

  • It’s completely up to you!! Both are appropriate and effective!

    A couple options to consider:

    • If you’re new to lifting weights: Either starting in our teens classes OR starting with our CrossFit Foundations program before jumping into adult classes is a great way to go!

    • Reach out with any questions ( A free trial is also a great option to get a feel for both teens and adult classes!

FitHAUS Youth Classes