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7th Annual FitHAUS Labor Day Throwdown


L A B O R  D A Y

T H R O W D O W N  I S  O N ! ! ! 

The 7th Annual FitHAUS Labor Day Throwdown is ON and we are so pumped for another great community event! Registration opens TODAY(Wednesday July 26th) at 9am! 

  • Follow the link to register HERE

WHAT:  Labor Day Throwdown is a fun competition for teams of 2 and designed to be for athletes of all ages and abilities. Athletes ages 11 and above can register for the main event. It's a bit of friendly competition and a lot of fun with your FitHAUS community. After the main event, we'll watch the kiddos obstacle course race and then participants, volunteers, and spectators are welcome to stay for community and celebration.

WHERE: FitHAUS back alley.

WHEN: Labor Day Monday, September 4th. Approximate Start time of 8am (first heat start) going until early afternoon (~1pm). Exact heat times to be announced a few days prior to event.

WHO: Anyone that is looking for a fun workout(s) and a little friendly competition. Anyone 11 and up is welcome to Throwdown. (For youth 14 and under, there will be different weights and skills required in the scaled division.) 

  • We need volunteers to help the event run smoothly! So if you want to be involved, but don't want to get sweaty ... we would LOVE for you to help us out!!! You can register to volunteer HERE. Volunteers also get a Labor Day Throwdown Shirt!


  1. Partner Scaled (any combo of F/M, M/M, F/F)

  2. Partner Rx (any combo of F/M, M/M, F/F)

Throwdown Division Guidelines (things you MAY see in the workout).  Note the weights list are working weights, meaning you may have multiple reps at that weight. 

Scaled (male weight, female weight, 14yrs or younger weight): 

  • Up to a 1 mile run 

  • Burpee Step Ups

  • OH walking lunges w/ plate (25#, 15#, 10#)

  • Goblet Squats (44#, 26#, 20#)

  • Abmat Situps w/ wallball (14#, 10#, 6#)

  • 25m Crab walk or Bear Crawl

  • DB Snatches (35#, 20#, 15#)

  • Sandbag over-the-shoulder toss (50#, 30#, 20#)

  • Kettlebell swings (44#, 26#, 20#)

  • Devil's Presses (35s, 20s, 10s)

  • Assault bike, rowing, or ski erg

  • Ring Rows or Jumping Pull-ups

  • Knee Raises or Toes to Shoulder level

  • Deadlifts (135, 95, 55)

  • Thrusters (75, 55, DB @ 15#each)

Rx (male, female):

  • Up to a 1 mile run

  • Burpee box jumps (24", 20")

  • OH walking Lunges w/ plate (45, 25)

  • Goblet Squats (53, 35)

  • 25m Crab walk, bear crawl, or partner wheelbarrow

  • DB Snatches (50, 35)

  • Deadlifts (225, 155)

  • Thrusters (105, 75)

  • American Kettlebell Swings (53, 35)

  • Pull-ups and/or C2B

  • T2B

  • Devil's Presses (50s, 35s)

  • Assault bike, rowing, or ski erg

Kids Obstacle Course: Ages 3-11

  • No standards, this is a fun course that takes about 5 minutes to complete and is always so fun to watch=)

Other Important Notes:

  • Exact workouts will be released closer to event. Workouts will be released on the FitHAUS Instagram Page and posted to the competition corner link.

  • Note, if you or your young athlete would like to participate in the scaled division, but use modified weights beyond what is in the division guidelines, please register for scaled division, and notify Katie or Nicole prior to the event for planning purposes.

  • Tickets: $80/team and cover your registration + your amazing LDTD tee that you'll want to wear everywhere you go;) 

  • Kids Obstacle Course Tickets: $20/child and cover registration + tee.

  • If you want to participate and need help finding a partner, reach out to Katie and Nicole! We've got you covered.

  • We apologize in advance. Competition Corner isn't the most user friendly for registering multiple family members. Below is the suggestion for registering your family. Please reach out if you have any questions. 

    • Multiple Family Member Sign up:  If you're signing yourself up AND some kids who may not have email addresses, you will have to use 'placeholder email addresses' as Competition Corner will not allow you to use the same email address.  Suggested:  if your email is use; Jane.Doe+2 ... etc.

Let's GOOOOO FitHAUS! Partner up and let's THROWDOWN! 

#fithauslabordaythrowdown2023 #befitbewelltogether #surroundyourselfwithgoodpeople

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