FitHAUS Featured Athletes Trish and John Anderson
Trish and John Anderson
We couldn’t think of a better way to round out the year, than to feature Trish and John Anderson as our FitHAUS featured power couple. These two have been members at FitHAUS for close to 2 years, and although they leave us for sunshine every winter, they come back ready to hustle each spring. John and Trish are great example of how movement is medicine. You’ll read below that both John and Trish mention “older age” in their bio…the truth is we don’t see age at all when we think about this couple, we see two individuals who consistently prioritize movment and wellness. John and Trish such great energy to every class, whether wall walks or 1,000 box step ups are programmed, these two show up and work hard. They are inspiring to all of us at FitHAUS and so fun to have in class. Thank you John and Trish for choosing FitHAUS! We’ll see you in a few months!
Please read below to learn a little more about this power couple!
Tell us a little bit about yourself… (Trish)
Even though we might be your oldest athletes, we’re both still working and haven’t figured out when to retire! We love reading, golf and racquet sports and being outside with our two Jack Russell Terriers.What made you decide to join FitHAUS? What were you doing prior to coming to FH?
We joined FitHaus after our prior fitness facility struggled post-pandemic. We were looking for a place close to home that offered a variety of classes and knowledgeable, personal instruction.What is your favorite thing about FitHAUS?
The quality of coaching and the welcoming atmosphere are wonderful!
What are some of the accomplishments related to physical fitness that you are most proud of & what are your fitness goals moving forward?
I appreciate the opportunity to engage in more cardio work, which had been missing for a while, and I’m definitely seeing progress in my strength work.
How has being physically active bettered your life outside of the gym?
I have more energy and generally feel better. It’s a great way to start my day.
What is your favorite class or movement/skill?
Strength and Conditioning is my “go-to” class for overall fitness, and I love Functional Range Conditioning. I think that class is essential. As a person in my mid-60s, flexibility is just as important as strength, and it seems more challenging to maintain as time goes by!
What advice would you give to someone looking to join FITHAUS?
Sign up knowing you will be welcomed and encouraged to work at whatever level is right for you. I remember my first workout at FitHaus and how good it felt to have so many people encouraging me along the way.
A note from John~
‘The word that comes to mind when I think about FitHaus is “grateful”. I am an older athlete. I’m not nearly as strong or talented as most of the athletes who work out at FitHaus. However, because of the support and coaching from everyone at the gym, I feel accepted and welcomed into a group of athletes whose skills and strength are really impressive. For that, I feel a deep sense of gratitude and thanks.To those that are thinking about joining FitHaus, I would only offer this: the Strength and Conditioning workouts are not for the faint of heart. Some of them are really challenging; brutal. But that’s what you want as an athlete: to be pushed and to get better. FitHAUS will do that for you.’